tutu bug

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Stuff-I'm Making a Schedule!

OK, so one of my blogging goals is to be more consistent in when/what I blog (see previous post :)), so I have come up with a little blogging schedule.  Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and originally had a 5-day a week blogging schedule in mind, but yeah, that is so not gonna work for me (just yet anyway).  Soooo....I am going to try to blog 3 days a week.  Here's what I am thinking:

1-Sunday will be all about random posts.  This will include anything and everything from recipes, good books, favorite new songs, tv discussions, funny kid stories, blogging tips, etc, etc. 

2. Tuesday will focus on tutu bug and what special sales or giveaways I am currently doing. 

3.  Thursday will be about showcasing someone else's blog.  It's all about blog support, right friends?! 

I think this will be a good start for me and I welcome your accountability as well! 



  1. I'm working on a schedule too. That way I'll always have that post and if something time sensitive comes up then it'll be a bonus for my readers.

    Sometimes comment luv doesn't work for me if i type my site wrong. Sometimes I add an extra n.

    Stopping by from SITS

  2. Yay for schedules! :) Can't wait to see what you post in the future.


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