tutu bug

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Awesome Blogging Advice

I am still trying to find a consistent blogging pattern, I'm looking for my blogging voice, if you will.  I blog because I want to introduce people to my craft (ie. the tutu's), but I feel that it is so much more than that.  I also want to blog so that I can talk about other things, such as sharing tips and hints, talking about my kids, sharing favorite books and recipes, and revealing myself to my readers in general.  While I am still trying to figure all this out since I am relatively new to the blogging world, I did come across this great post on Lady Bloggers Society today, which lists 5 or 6 tips to a better blog.  Check it out....I love idea #4, need to be better about #5 and try not to do #3 too often!!  Thoughts, readers (ooh, there I am doing #1 :))?!?!


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