tutu bug

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to Install Your Blog Button?!?!

OK, ladies, I have come up with a blog button, but I cannot figure out how to 'code' it.  Anyone have any idea?!  Also, thanks to the wonderful ladies who have offered to help me create the button as well!  My bloggy friends are the best!


  1. Okay, your tutu's are FABULOUS!!! =) You should TOTALLY become a sponsor on my blog.

  2. Do you want your button in your sidebar or do you want to add code for others to use in their sidebars?

  3. Did you get it figured out? If you email me the image I can get you the code.

  4. I want the button on the side wtih the HTML code under it so people cancut and paste it to put on their blog. Margo, I will email you..

    Summer, thanks :)...I will check out your site.



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