tutu bug

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Other Blogger Websites?

I ama member of SITS (http://www.thesitgirls.com/), which is an online blog support system.  We support eachother by leaving comments.  Are there any other great sites out there that allow you to meet more bloggers and get your blog out there??  Would love any and all feedback!


  1. Award waiting for you...

  2. Hi Melanie,
    I'm glad you stopped by from Lady Bloggers Society. I'm also part of SITS. I'd highly recommend looking around and finding some linky parties. You can join them pretty much every day of the week, and usually two or three a day. A great one that is going on today is at Trendy Treehouse called Marketing Monday. Her address is http://thetrendytreehouse.blogspot.com Also, Friday follow on that same site and on One 2 Try are great! Also, I'd recommend if you really want to promote your cute tutu's, buying some ad space on various blogs. Very soon I'm going to open up ad space for only $5 a month! OK, I could go on and on but i'll stop there. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.



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Handcrafted tutu's for your little princess