tutu bug

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My New Tools!

For Christmas I bought myself a new rotary cutter and ruler.  I was using my mom's as I started up my business, but finally bought my own (gotta love those 50% off coupons)!  Check out my new toys!!

Rotary Cutter:  The rotary cutter is essential, as it allows me to make clean, consise cuts of tulle off the bolt. I prefer the bolt tulle to the tulle on spools, as it gives me the flexibility to make the sizing/widths I want. Plus, the shimmery tulle is much nicer off the bolt than the spool (in my opinion). I originally tried cutting the tulle with scissors and it was a disaster! The cut was jagged and uneven. The rotary cutter works perfect!

Ruler & Rotary Cutter:  Of course, without a ruler, my rotary cutter would be useless! These rulers are great because they are see through and have very precise measurements on them. It helps me to cut the proper widths and lengths for my tutu's....

1 comment:

  1. What cute tutus! So fun. Stopping by from SITS roll call :o)


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